Functional Fitness
The goal at Coal Road is not to lift the most or the fastest or to master a single ability or exercise or lift, but instead, it is to learn as many lifts, exercises, and exercise techniques as is necessary so as to be physically fit in all ways, and to be prepared for any type of movement, lift, or exercise.
Coal Road can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance. The program works for everyone — people who are just starting out and people who have trained for years. Coal Road workouts are different every day and can be modified to help each athlete achieve their goals. Intensity levels are adjusted to challenge the individual and safely improve fitness.
Open Gym
Open Gym is unstructured class time with coaches available to assist. Members can use this time to work on whatever they choose. Open Gym can be used to do a WOD that was missed during the week, accessory work, or the time can be used to work on, improve, or master a certain movement.